Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

Conveniently Located to Serve Houston, Katy, and The Woodlands.

Las imágenes de la cara y el cuerpo que no sean del personal y los pacientes de la Dra, Rodríguez son modelos estándar

Many people are embarrassed to wear short sleeve shirts because of how their upper arms look. Extra, loose skin at the upper arms can also create added fullness that may be disproportionate to the rest of the body and limit clothing options.

This extra skin at the upper arms can just happen over time as the skin loses its elasticity. It can also develop after significant weight loss, such as with bariatric surgery.

What is an Arm Lift?

An arm lift (brachioplasty) is a surgery that removes extra skin from the upper arms.

Dr. Rodriguez most commonly uses the brachioplasty technique involving an incision from just above the elbow to the axilla (armpit). This is placed on the inside of the upper arm. Most patients that request a brachioplasty require this technique. It addresses loose skin of the entire upper arm. If a significant amount of skin needs to be removed and if loose skin is present at the axilla as well, the incision may extend past the axilla and onto the side of the chest.

On occasion, some patients will have loose skin at the upper arm but only a small amount that is localized to the very upper arm near the axilla. In these situations, Dr. Rodriguez may recommend a different technique that involves an incision inside the crease of the axilla only. While this is a much shorter scar and more hidden scar, it is not powerful enough of a procedure to address loose skin of the entire upper arm. So, it is best suited for patients with mild looseness of the upper arm.

An alternative treatment option for patients that have a mild degree of loose skin at the upper arm is BodyTite™. This can help tighten up the upper arm skin without any incisional scars.

Frequently, Dr. Rodriguez recommends combining an arm lift (brachioplasty) with liposuction. This helps improve the overall safety of the arm lift (brachioplasty) surgery and can help thin out the tissues along the incision so that the arms appear more contoured.

How is an Arm Lift Performed?

An arm lift (brachioplasty) is done under general anesthesia in the operating room with you fully asleep. Extra skin is removed after performing liposuction to any areas of stubborn fat, if needed. After the extra skin is removed, the skin is stitched back together in several layers.

Dr. Rodriguez does not use drains for her arm lift (brachioplasty) surgeries. The incisions are dressed with antibiotic ointment and gauze padding applied. Your arms are then gently wrapped in ACE wraps after the surgery is completed.

Am I a good Arm Lift Candidate?

Good candidates for an arm lift (brachioplasty) with Dr. Rodriguez are men and women in the Houston area who:

  • Rare self-conscious about their upper arms
  • Rhave loose skin at the upper arms
  • Rhave hanging skin at the upper arms
  • Rmaintain good control of all medical issues
  • Rdo not smoke or use nicotine
  • Rhave realistic expectations for this surgery

Arm Lift Procedure Recovery Process

You can go home the same day after an arm lift (brachioplasty). When you are in bed or relaxing on the couch, you should gently prop your arms up on a couple pillows to elevate them. This will help the swelling come down a bit faster.

You can shower the day after surgery. You will be instructed to re-apply antibiotic ointment, gauze, and ACE wraps to the arms after showering each day. After about a week from surgery, Dr. Rodriguez will switch you from ACE wraps to a garment to provide added compression to the upper arms.

Most patients can return to work about 2 weeks after surgery, though this may vary depending on your job duties.

You will have limited use of your arms overall and should limit overhead reaching or carrying heavy objects in the initial recovery period. You may need extra help at home for the first few days after surgery, or the first couple weeks after surgery if you have a baby or small child. However, you can still do basic things for yourself on your own right away after surgery, like hold a cup to drink, feed yourself, brush your teeth, etc.

You should refrain from exercise for about 4-6 weeks after surgery. You can ease back into some light cardio exercises around 4 weeks if you are healing well. Exercise with no restrictions can be started after 6 weeks in most cases.

Arm Lift Procedure Results

Unfortunately, a scar is inevitable after an arm lift (brachioplasty). Dr. Rodriguez always does her best to place it in a position where it will not be too visible. It is important to understand that the scar will be visible with certain positions and movements in the best of circumstances. The tradeoff for the scar is an improvement in arm contour.

The scar appearance will take 6 months to a year to fully mature and soften. Silicone therapy and protecting the scar from the sun will help it heal as best as possible.

It is important to maintain your pre-surgical weight during and after your recovery. If your weight fluctuates after surgery, it can stretch out the skin at the upper arms again and cause the same initial problem of loose, saggy skin. A stable weight means lasting results after your arm lift (brachioplasty).

Schedule your Arm Lift Consultation

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re interested in learning more about a Arm Lift (Brachioplasty). Our skilled team is dedicated to providing excellent cosmetic services to Houston and the surrounding area. We’re here to help you achieve a look that will help you feel more comfortable in your body.

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