The Role of GalaFlex™ in Modern Breast Surgery


doctor in latex glove holding marker near woman with marks on breast
GalaFlex™ is a mesh-like material placed inside of the breast during a breast lift (mastopexy), breast reduction, or breast augmentation (augmentation mammaplasty). It is used to help the internal tissue strengthen and to support the weight of the breast/implant.

Breast SurgeryWith Dr. Rodriguez

Medical materials like GalaFlex™ are just one of the many modern breast surgery tools used by Dr. Abigail Rodriguez. As a board-certified plastic surgeon, she is at the forefront of the latest surgical advancements in the ever-evolving field of aesthetic breast surgery.

During your personalized consultation, Dr. Rodriguez will examine your breasts and review pertinent details about your medical history. After pairing this information with your cosmetic goals, she will craft your individualized breast treatment plan that could include GalaFlex™.

How DoesGalaFlex™ Work?

GalaFlex™ is made using a biologically derived polymer called poly-4-hydroxybutyrate (P4HBTM). This material is fully absorbable. When surgically inserted into the breasts, it acts as a scaffold, holding the internal tissue in its new location after a breast lift, breast reduction, and/or breast augmentation. P4HB is also a collagen stimulator, a protein needed for new tissue production. By two years after surgery, the GalaFlex™ scaffold will dissolve, leaving new, strong, and natural tissue in its place.

Is GalaFlex™ UsedDuring Every Breast Augmentation?

Not necessarily. If it is your first breast surgery and you are not opting for a significant increase in size, your current breast tissue could be strong enough to support the implants on its own. However, patients who have previously noticed sagging with implants or sagging of the natural breast tissue may be good candidates for GalaFlex™.

Is GalaFlex™ Partof Every Breast Lift?

A combined breast lift and augmentation procedure may feature the use of GalaFlex™ for the reasons stated above. But GalaFlex™ is also incredibly useful for certain breast lift-only patients, typically those with heavier or denser breast tissue or for patients with very thin skin.

Will GalaFlex™Extend My Breast Surgery Results?

In general, yes. The body’s collagen production is known to weaken as we age. This causes the breasts to sag, which is corrected through breast lift surgery. GalaFlex™ can help boost collagen production in the area of the scaffold, adding an additional layer of support to the breast. This may help delay the effects of aging on the breasts and maintain your results for longer.

Additionally, implants can eventually start to sag due to certain life events like:

  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Weight fluctuations

By using GalaFlex™ during breast surgery, Dr. Rodriguez can help the breasts maintain their improved shape throughout these sometimes dramatic changes to the body.

Learn Moreat Your Initial Consultation

GalaFlex™ can be one game changer when it comes to ensuring the long-term success of your breast plastic surgery procedure. The other is selecting a surgeon who is adept in these highly advanced techniques, such as Dr. Abigail Rodriguez. If you are located near Houston, Texas, and would like more information about GalaFlex™ and breast surgery in general, contact Abigail Rodriguez, MD, Plastic Surgery today to set up your initial consultation.